Fakar Lematang Plans to Report Project Contractor to South Sumatra Police

PALI, terselubung.co.id – Fakar Lematang, led by Aka Choliq Darlin, S.Pd.I, MM, plans to report the partner contractor responsible for the bridge construction project in Muara Sungai Village, Tanah Abang District, PALI Regency, to the South Sumatra Regional Police (Polda Sumsel).

According to Aka Choliq Darlin, the project, valued at billions of rupiahs and funded by the 2024 PALI APBD through the PUPR Service, allegedly did not comply with existing procedures.

Aka Choliq Darlin stated that CV Angerah Suses Ma*diri (ASM), the contractor for the project, is strongly suspected of violating the law and misusing funds allocated for the project.

“Tomorrow at 10 AM (Friday, June 28), Fakar Lematang South Sumatra will report CV Anugerah Sukses Mandiri to the South Sumatra Police for illegal activities and suspected misuse of funds,” said Aka Choliq Darlin, S.Pd.i, on Thursday (June 27, 2024).

According to the former member of the PALI DPRD, the contractor diverted the road without following procedures. Aka Choliq Darlin noted that during the six months of construction, the road was closed without any temporary bridge, suggesting that the contractor did not want to clear residents’ land or build a temporary bridge for motorcycles.

“After the project was halted by Fakar Lematang, PUPR representative Mr. Viktor firmly stated that the budget for a temporary road for cars and motorcycles was included in the RAB (Budget Plan),” explained Aka Choliq Darlin.

He added that they suspect the contractor of attempting to profit by testing the road diversion. If not protested by Fakar Lematang, it would have gone unnoticed.

Baca Juga:  Peduli Lingkungan, Polres PALI Bersihkan Sampah

Penulis: ST.

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